Le Colloquium de Cosmologie se tiendra
fois par
mois sur le |
The nature of the dark matter is
still unknown. Hidden in the neutrino sector of particle physics may be one or more fermions with no standard model interactions that nonetheless couple to neutrinos via their mass generation mechanism, namely sterile neutrinos. Such a particle may be the dark matter, produced in the early universe through matter-suppressed neutrino mixing or matter-enhanced resonant mixing. I will overview the kinetics of relativistic mixed neutrinos in dense environments, and will specify with sterile neutrino dark matter production in the early universe. I will discuss how this candidate alters cosmological structure formation, and the resulting constraints from observed cosmological clustering. In addition, I discuss how this candidate may be detected by X-ray telescopes. |
The origin of
magnetic fields in stars, galaxies and clusters is an open problem in
astrophysics and fundamental physics. "The Origin and Evolution of
Cosmic Magnetism" is one of the Key Science Projects for the Square
Kilometre Array (SKA), the international next-generation radio
telescope. An all-sky survey of Faraday rotation measures (RM) at
1.4 GHz will serve to model the structure and strength of the magnetic
fields in the intergalactic medium, the interstellar medium of
intervening galaxies and of the Milky Way. Spectro-polarimetry
will allow to separate RM components from distinct foreground and
background regions and hence to perform 3-D "Faraday tomography" of the
magnetized interstellar medium of the Milky Way and nearby
galaxies. Furthermore, polarization imaging with the SKA will
open a new era in the observation of magnetic fields in galaxies, in
galaxy clusters and in the intergalactic medium. |
The origin and
nature of ultra-high energy cosmic rays is still an open question.
Resolving this question is of considerable importance for both
astrophysics and particle physics. The Pierre Auger Observatory is the
world's largest detector to study the high energy end of the cosmic ray
spectrum. It combines two observational techniques, an array of
water Cherenkov detectors and four air fluorescence telescope stations,
to observe the extensive air showers generated in the atmosphere by
cosmic rays. This hybrid observation mode yields an excellent
resolution and allows for important systematic cross-checks. The Auger
South site, located in the province of Mendoza in Argentina, has
started data acquisition in 2004 with only a small fraction of
its full aperture. Since then it has been growing continuously and is
now nearing its completion. The collected data provide already
some insights into the energy spectrum, the origin and composition of
ultra-high energy cosmic rays. I will give an update of the status of
the observatory and discuss our first scientific results. |
The highest
energy cosmic ray particles are the most energetic particles known to
us in the universe, and their observations have led us to build one of
the largest detector system in the world, the AUGER air-shower array.
We have detected particles to 3 10^{20} eV, which is a macroscopic
energy. There are a number of options how to generate them, and
how to get these particles from their sources to us. These
particles may be accelerated to high energy in a shock wave, such as in
a radio galaxy, or some other shock-wave such as during the formation
of large scale structure in the universe. Other propositions assume
that they are the product of a decay of a very massive particle
(possibly connected to dark matter) and the merger of black holes. One
key point will be to understand the cosmological web of magnetic
fields, which may influence the propagation of high energy particles;
here it is especially important to understand the role of a galactic
wind and its magnetic structure. I will discuss the observational
and theoretical limits for an exemplary set of models, and also the
predictions, that result from these models. I will place special
emphasis on the search strategy that will be important once we will
have statistically relevant AUGER data. Detailed observations may
allow us not only to set limits to the cosmic magnetic field, and the
physics of sources, but also to aspects of particle physics. |
A primary
scientific goal of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) is the exploration of the dark matter power spectrum properties and its evolution with redshift using weak gravitational lensing (cosmic shear). I will present the current state of the cosmic shear measurement using CFHTLS Wide 3rd release. It is the first time that the cosmic shear signal is explored beyond the one degree scale, which will be strong constraints on cosmological parameters. Meanwhile, the reliability of the current shear measuring pipeline is checked using simulation data, which shows high accuracy. In a short review, we compare our cosmic shear from CFTHLS with the other non-CFHTLS surveys showing a consistent signal. |
large-scale structures we observe in the present universe (such as galaxies and clusters of galaxies) have formed thanks to gravitational instability which amplified the small density perturbations created in the early universe. Moreover, the power increases at small scales as in the CDM model which leads to a hierarchical scenario where small scales become non-linear first. Thus, at large scales or at early times (e.g. to study the CMB) one can use a perturbative approach. However, many observations (e.g weak-lensing) probe the weakly non-linear or highly non-linear regimes. This requires to go beyond the usual perturbative expansion. After a brief review of the dynamics of gravitational clustering in the cosmological context, I shall present various analytical methods which have been devised to investigate the weakly non-linear regime. In particular, I shall focus on recent systematic methods which amount to reorganize the standard perturbative expansion by performing some partial infinite resummations. |
quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) have been discovered in the X-ray flux of several low-mass accreting X-ray binaries. These oscillations probe the motion of matter in a region of extreme gravity, where fundamental predictions of strong field general relativity, such as the existence of an innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO), have yet to be tested. We have undertaken a systematic analysis of the kilo-Hz quasi-periodic oscillations detected from several sources by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer and observed in several sources a reproducible effect that we interpret as the signature of the ISCO. In this talk (intended for non specialists), I will introduce kilo-Hz QPOs and review their general properties before discussing their potential for strong gravity and dense matter. I will then present the various pieces of evidence that we have accumulated in favor of our recent claim that the sharp drop of the coherence of the kilo-Hz QPOs at some critical frequency is related to the ISCO. |
2005, 14h00, Bibliotheque , LPTHE,
Tour 24, 5eme etage, Jussieu
Ken Ganga (APC,
2005, 14h00, Bibliotheque , LPTHE,
Tour 24, 5eme etage, Jussieu
Jose Valle (IFC,
2005, 14h00, Salle Grossetete,
LPNHE, Tour 33 (RdC) Jussieu
Eisenstein (University of Arizona)
"Dark Energy and Cosmic
I present galaxy clustering results from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
reveal the signature of acoustic oscillations of the photon-baryon
in the first million years of the Universe. The scale of this feature
can be
computed and hence the detection in the galaxy clustering serves as a
ruler, giving a geometric distance to a redshift of 0.35. I will
discuss the implications
of this measurement for the composition of the universe, including dark
energy and
spatial curvature, and the prospects for future redshift surveys to use
the acoustic peak
to map the expansion history of the universe.
2006, 14h00, Salle Grossetete,
LPNHE, Tour 33 (RdC) Jussieu
2006, **16h30**, Bibliotheque , LPTHE,
Tour 24, 5eme etage, Jussieu
L'astronomie des très hautes
énergies vient
un cap décisif grâce
aux performances en sensibilité et résolution
spatiale atteintes par l'expérience
High Energy Stereoscopic System, pleinement opérationnelle
depuis début 2004. Nous assistons maintenant Ã
l'émergence d'une
renouvelée de notre univers que le séminaire tentera d'illustrer,
structurée autour de la physique des accélérateurs
cosmiques tels que vents
de pulsars,
restes de supernovae, binaires-X et
sources galactiques non-identifiées - possibles accélérateurs
'sombres' - centre galactique, et noyaux actifs de galaxies. |
2006, 14h00, Salle des
Seminaires, Sous-Sol, IAP, 98bis Boul Arago
2006, **16h30**,
Bibliotheque , LPTHE,
Tour 24, 5eme etage, Jussieu
2006, **16h30**, Salle
LPNHE, Tour 33 (RdC) Jussieu
2006, 14h00, Bibliotheque
Tour 24, 5eme etage, Jussieu
"Progenitors of Gamma Ray Bursts: theory and numerical simulations"
29 SEPTEMBRE 2004, 14h30, Bibliotheque
, LPTHE, Tour 24, 5eme etage, Jussieu
Giovannini (CERN-TH)
2004, 14h00, Bibliotheque , LPTHE,
Tour 24, 5eme etage, Jussieu
Eric Linder (LBL, Berkeley)
24 NOVEMBRE 2004, 14h00, Bibliotheque
, LPTHE, Tour 24, 5eme etage, Jussieu
Francesco Sylos Labini (LPT, Orsay)
15 DECEMBRE 2004, 14h00, Bibliotheque
, LPTHE, Tour 24, 5eme etage, Jussieu
Hector de Vega (LPTHE, Jussieu)
cosmic microwave background anisotropies and quantum field theory
2005, 14h00,Salle Grossetete,
LPNHE, Tour 33 (RdC) Jussieu
Eric Gourgoulhon (LUTH, Meudon)
"Relativité numérique et sources d'ondes
2005, 14h00, Bibliotheque, LPTHE,
Tour 24, 5eme etage, Jussieu
Julien Guy (LPNHE, Jussieu)
Legacy Survey: Resultats de la premiere annee et implications
Les supernovae de
type Ia (SNe Ia) forment a l'heure actuelle la classe d'objets la plus
performante pour
etudier l'evolution de la distance de luminosite avec le redshift, et
mesurer l'histoire de
l'expansion de l'Univers. Des releves anterieurs ont permis de mettre
en evidence une
acceleration recente de cette expansion, due a une hypothetique Energie
Il s'agit maintenant de
contraindre l'equation d'etat de cette derniere et de mesurer avec
precision les
parametres cosmologiques, ce qui requiert une large statistique. Le
Legacy Survey (SNLS)
est a l'heure actuelle le projet le plus ambitieux. Il prevoit
plus de 700 SNe Ia,
dont les redshifts seront compris entre 0.2 et 1, multipliant ainsi la
statistique disponible
par un facteur 10. Je presenterai les resultats de la premiere annee du
SNLS, et
discuterai leur
implication cosmologique.
MERCREDI 16 MARS 2005, 14h00, Salle
Grossetete, LPNHE, Tour 33 (RdC) Jussieu
Felix Mirabel (European Space Observatory
& CEA-Saclay-Sap)
"Black holes
in the Universe"
MERCREDI 13 AVRIL 2005, 14h00, Salle
Grossetete, LPNHE, Tour 33 (RdC) Jussieu
Riccardo Barbieri (Scuola Normale Superiore,
Pisa )
Physics and `fundamental' physics"
MERCREDI 11 MAI, 2005, 14h00, Salle
Grossetete, LPNHE, Tour 33 (RdC) Jussieu
Gabriele Veneziamo (College de France et CERN
"Conventional vs. Unconventional Cosmic Accelerators"
We are quite sure that, in its long history, the Universe underwent
2005, 14h00, Bibliotheque, LPTHE,
Tour 24, 5eme etage, Jussieu
Sacha Dolgov (INFN-Ferrara, ITEP-Moscow et LERMA-Observatoire de Paris)
"Cosmological Magnetic Fields and CMB Polarization"
The origin of the observed magnetic fields in galaxies and intergalactic MERCREDI
26 NOVEMBRE 2003, 14h00, Salle Grossetete, LPNHE, Tour 33 (RdC)
Daniel Boyanovsky (LERMA, Observatoire de Paris & University of Pittsburgh)
"Phase Transitions in the Early and Present
I will present a summary
of Early
Universe cosmology and
physics of compact stars stressing the contact with particle
physics. The succesive phase
transitions that happened in the Early
Universe as well as novel
phases in Neutron Stars will be discussed
including their observational
2004, 14h00, Salle Grossetete, LPNHE, Tour 33 (RdC) Jussieu
Yannick Mellier (IAP)
" Distortion gravitationnelle et cosmologie"
Les analyses statistiques
de la distribution en ellipticite des
galaxies montre un champ
coherent produit par les effets de lentilles
gravitationnelle des grandes
structures de l'univers (le cosmic shear).
L'interpretation cosmologique
de ce champ permet d'en extraire des
informations sur les
proprietes de la matiere noire, des relations
matiere-lumiere et de
l'energie noire. Je presenterai l'etat
actuel de nos connaissance
dans le domaine du cosmic shear ainsi que
resultats attendus avec le CFHTLS, qui commence tout juste a
produire les premiere images
de megacam, notamment sur l'equation
d'etat de l'energie noire. Je
montrerai ensuite ce que devrait obtenir
experiences comme JDEM/SNAP d'ici 10 ans.
2004, 14h00, Bibliotheque , LPTHE, Tour 16 (1er etage) Jussieu
Alex Lazarian
(Wisconsin-Madison and Cologne)
"Turbulence and Scaling in
I shall introduce the
concept of turbulence using Kolmogorov turbulence
in a non-magnetized
incompressible fluid as an example. Then I shall show
how the
properties of the fluid are modified by magnetic fields. Finally
shall talk about the effects
of compressibility and partial ionization on the
properties of magnetic
Astrophysical fluids
are as a rule turbulent, magnetized, compressible
and sometimes only partially
ionized. Star formation, accretion processes,
cosmic rays transport,
polarized radiation and heat, etc are affected by magnetic
Recent research also
shows that interstellar turbulence is essential
to understanding the
properties of various foregrounds that interfere with the
measurements of CMB
polarization. I shall show that the scattering of cosmic rays
by the interstellar medium
is substantially changed when the properties of magnetic
turbulence are taken into
I shall
end my talk by describing how the theory can be
tested with observations.
17 MARS 2004, 14h00, Salle Grossetete, LPNHE, Tour 33 (RdC)
Joseph Silk
(Oxford University)
"A la recherche de
la matiere sombre"
Je ferai un compte-rendu de
l'abondance globale de matiere sombre.
Je decrirai l'etat actuel de
nos connaissances sur la matiere sombre
baryonique et les
possibilites de detection de la matiere sombre
24 MARS 2004, 14h00, Bibliotheque
, LPTHE, Tour 16 (1er etage) Jussieu
"Challenges for String
The inflationary
scenario provides the current paradigm
of early Universe
cosmology. Although this scenario has
very successful phenomenologically, it is plagued
by serious conceptual
problems. I will discuss some of
these problems and
explain why superstring theory
might provide a good
framework in which to address these
issues. I will give an
overview of some of the key
challenges which a new
paradigm of the early Universe
based on string theory
faces, and will discuss one
approach to addressing
these questions, ``brane gas
28 AVRIL 2004, 14h00, Salle Grossetete, LPNHE, Tour 33 (RdC)
Shaposhnikov (EPFL Lausanne)
26 MAI 2004, 14h00, Bibliotheque
LPTHE, Tour 16 (1er etage) Jussieu
Petitjean (IAP)
JUIN 2004, 14h00, Salle
Grossetete, LPNHE, Tour 33 (RdC) Jussieu
Turok (University of Cambridge)
Cyclic Universe Scenario"
Cosmology has
seen dramatic progress in recent years, with observations
ruling out many
popular theories and focussing attention on
`concordance model' involving high energy inflation
in the early
universe and low energy cosmic acceleration today.
The first part of
the talk will review some of the key phenomenology which
singles out this
model amongst many rival theories.
However, the
model has deep consistency puzzles: what drives the inflation?
how did inflation
begin? will the future really be a cold, eternal void?
New ideas from
string and M theory on the nature of spacetime
motivate us to
reconsider these questions. We have proposed a new cosmological
scenario, the `cyclic
Universe', in which today's dark energy plays the central role.
It is required to
drive an eternal series of cycles, each consisting of a big bang
by a period of
activity followed by accelerating expansion which `cleans up' the
restoring the Universe to a smooth, pristine state ready for the
next bang. This
scenario reproduces
the phenomenological successes of inflation with completely different,
long wavelength
physics. It also casts new light on the cosmic singularity, suggesting
it was
not the beginning of time. An observational test distinguishing the
model from
inflation will be described.