Current Research Activities
(under construction...)
Out of equilibrium dynamics of infinite self-gravitating systems
A. Gabrielli, T. Baertschiger, B. Marcos, M. Joyce and F. Sylos Labini,
$1/r^2$ force distribution in a randomly perturbed lattice'',
Phys. Rev. E74, 021110 (2006).
T. Baertschiger, M. Joyce, A. Gabrielli and F. Sylos Labini,
``Gravitational dynamics of an infinite shuffled lattice of particles'', Phys. Rev. E75, 021113, (2007).
T. Baertschiger, M. Joyce, A. Gabrielli and F. Sylos Labini,
``Gravitational dynamics of an infinite shuffled: particle coarse-grainings,
non-linear clustering and the continuum limit'',
Phys. Rev. E76, 011116 (2007)
T. Baertschiger, M. Joyce, F. Sylos Labini and B. Marcos,
``Gravitational dynamics of infinite point distributions:
early time evolution and universality of non-linear correlations'' , Phys. Rev. E, (2008), to appear, arXiv:cond-mat/0711.2219
M. Joyce,
``Infinite self-gravitating systems and cosmological structure
formation", chapter of the volume ``Dynamics and Thermodynamics
of systems with long range interactions: theory and experiments'' , A.
Campa, A. Giansanti, G. Morigi, F. Sylos Labini Eds., American
Institute of Physics Conference proceedings, 970 (2008). See this
Quantifying discreteness effects in cosmological N body simulations
Current collaborators: A. Gabrielli (ISC, Rome), B. Marcos & F. Sylos Labini (Istituto Fermi, Rome)
M. Joyce, B. Marcos, A. Gabrielli, T. Baertschiger and F.Sylos Labini,
``Gravitational evolution of a perturbed lattice and its fluid limit'',
Phys.Rev.Lett. 95 ,011304 (2005).
B. Marcos, T. Baertschiger, M. Joyce, A. Gabrielli and F. Sylos Labini,
``Linear perturbative theory of the discrete cosmological N-body problem'',
Phys. Rev. D73, 103507 (2006).
M. Joyce and B. Marcos,
``Quantifying discreteness error in cos mological N body smulations. I: Initial conditions'', Phys. Rev. D75, 063516 (2007)
M. Joyce and B. Marcos,
``Quantifying discreteness error in cosmological N body simulations. II:
Evolution up to shell crossing'', Phys. Rev. D76, 103505 (2007)
M.Joyce, B. Marcos and T. Baertschiger,
``Towards quantitative control on discreteness error in the non-linear regime of
cosmological N-body simulations'' , arXiv:cond-mat/0805.1357
M.Joyce , ``Cosmological simulations of structure formation
and the Vlasov equation'', proceedings (refereed) of "Vlasovia
2006", 2nd int'l workshop on the theory and applications of the Vlasov
equation, Florence,
September 2006., Comm. Nonlin. Sc. Num. Sim, 13, 100 (2008), arXiv:cond-mat/0805.1453
Out of equilibrium dynamics of long-range interacting systems
In progress with A. Gabrielli (ISC, Rome), B. Marcos (Istituto Fermi, Rome) and F. Sicard (LPNHE, Paris)
Virialization of finite self-gravitating systems
In progress, with B. Marcos & F. Sylos Labini (Istitituto Fermi, Rome) and T. Woorakitpoonpon (LPNHE, Paris)
Superuniform point processes
S. Hansen, O. Agertz, M. Joyce. J. Stadel, B. Moore and D. Potter,
``An alternative to grids and glasses: Quaquaversal pre-initial conditions for N-body simulations,''
Astrophys. J., 656, 631 (2007)
A. Gabrielli and M.Joyce,
``Two point correlation properties of stochastic cloud processes'', Phys. Rev. E77, 031139 (2008) arXiv:cond-mat/0711.0270
A. Gabrielli, M. Joyce and S. Torquato,
``Tilings of space and superhomogeneous point processes'', Phys. Rev. E77, 031125 (2008) arXiv:cond-mat/0711.3963